Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lalala :)

Alright...sooo...school :/. I'm officially in Anatomy and Physiology. It's gonna help me in college I guess....and I'll need it to be a Nurse. Buuuut...idk. I mean I love the teacher, she helped me ALOT when I was applying for colleges and I really admire her, but I feel like I'm not at a place right now, especially with everything thats going on, to be able to handle such a fast paced class. But maybe its what I need? I just don't know anymore...the only thing I seem to be able to focus on is the fact that its my
I know, its a lot to take in ;) But how do you think I feel??? I feel like this year has flown by, and I only hope that it keeps right on flying...I'm waiting for Julyish thats my dream month right now. If I can just make it to July then I know I'll be good. I'll have spent the time before then working my butt of in school, graduation vacation with amazing family the day I graduate, no joke, and after that a road trip with some of the most amazing girls EVER...There's me, Baby Bop (thanks for the name baby :) ), HMW, Shellshock, Firetruck, and the new addition Triple S :) Why all the nicknames?? Well general public, HMW and Baby Bop are planning a book deal from our adventures on this trip. Unattainable? NAH we can do it and it shall be epicly amazing and you will all buy it and laugh, cry, and grow along with us as we tour the nudie camp grounds in East and Middle and heck all over Tennessee. BUT we will wear clothing. Because thats just grody... :)
In other news...I hurted my nankle (ankle in MJ speak) and bruised my foot pretty badly...oops...hehe. It sucks and hurts and my first thought upon falling was "I WANT MATT"

1 comment:

  1. AHH!! Last semester of High School, I remember those days. Enjoy it while it lasts!

    P.S I left you something on my blog =]
